What is ICMA?
ICMA stands for the International City/County Management Association who strive to advance professional local government through leadership, management, innovaiton, and ethics. They help local government professionals around the world create and sustain thriving communities thorugh a range of activities while delivering key resources, products, and services worldwide in support of its mission.
We are a university student chapter of ICMA which means we are members of the association and receive all benefits of it, as well as do what most RSOs do, including holding regular meetings, participating in volunteer work, and holding events such as speakers or professional mixers. Members develop the skills and knowledge requisite of public administration as a career.
Benefits of Membership
The chapter helps students of all levels become aware and involved in local public administration. Whether it be a career option or a place to become familiar with the Master of Public Administration and Nonprofit Studies graduate program. It also allows for students to connect with an international network of working professionals such as city/county managers as well as all of their support staff. ICMA recognizes the importance of ensuring the future of the profession by providing student resources and tools.
Qualifications for Membership
Membership is open to all students, undergraduate and graduate, currently enrolled full-time and in good standing at the U of A.
Commitment to the Program
Unlike other RSOs our chapter meets every 4-6 weeks depending on the length of the semester, which means our meetings are considered mandatory but it is not enforced. Our chapter also holds 1-2 volunteer events each semester. We also participate in up to three conferences per semester, although this is completely optional. The conferences include Arkansas City Management Association conferences (Fall and Spring), the ICMA International Conference (Fall), and the ICMA Regional Conferences.
During 2019 we participated in:
The Arkansas City Management Association Spring Conference in Hot Springs, AR
The ICMA International Conference in Nashville, TN
The Arkansas City Management Association Fall Conference in Texarkana, AR

Social Media:ICMA UARK
Margaret Reid
Jennifer Park
Vice President:
Ian O'Rourke
Luis "Andy" Wallpher
Allison "Fredi" Hayes