Undergraduate Studies
There are several options available for students interested in pursuing a degree in Political Science. The following pages provide the information a student will need to achieve academic success in a degree in Political Science.
Political Science Major and Minor Requirements
PLSC Major - Major in Political Science: A student must complete 30 hours of coursework in PLSC classes. Twenty-one (21) of those hours must be in classes 3000 or above.
PLSC Minor - Minor in Political Science: A student must complete 18 hours of coursework in PLSC classes including either PLSC 2003 or PLSC 2013. Of those 18 hours, 9 hours must be in classes 3000 or above.

The Fulbright College of Arts and Science requires all students to submit an acceptable research/ analytic paper to the department for approval - must be submitted before Dead Day (Submission after Dead Day may delay your graduation; there is no guarantee that they can be processed.) The paper may be derived from completion of an honors essay (PLSC 499VH), a senior thesis (PLSC 498V), or another advanced course in PLSC. Students are urged to consult with their faculty adviser no later than early in the first semester of the senior year.
Students should consult the Senior Writing Requirement Guidelines to be sure their paper(s) meet all necessary requirements, then complete the Senior Writing Requirement Declaration Form, obtain their professor's signature, and turn the completed form into the Political
Science Office in Old Main 428.
Visit the Office of Admissions for more information or apply online today.